Recognizing that helping is healing, A 2nd Act was founded with a mission to celebrate and support women survivors of all cancers who use their newly realized gifts of life and experience to give back to the greater good.
In 2022, A 2nd Act became part of Check for a Lump with their Girls Night Out events and sharing the A 2nd Act Book Cancer Survivors Changing the Question from Why Me? to What’s Next! Then, in 2024, S.T.A.R.S. returned to the stage with its new producer, Monica X Castillo. We are excited to partner together to keep A 2nd Act going!
The cast!
Top row: Marina Blackford
Middle row, left to right: Ashley Plum, Onjalai Brown, Jen Nix
Bottom row, left to right: Erika Flores, Shirine Braim, Tamara Bara.
Eight inspiring journeys … a newfound sense of purpose. Every performance proves the darkest nights produce the brightest S.T.A.R.S.
The stories are now available to watch on the S.T.A.R.S. website!
Enjoy and be inspired!
Performance proceeds and donations benefit:
The Joy Bus
The 100% nonprofit restaurant delivering food to cancer patients and helping to make the Valley a happier place, one meal at a time.
Hear how Ashley Plum went from breast cancer survivor to Executive Director for Check for a Lump.
Girls Night Out
The Girls Night Out events have one purpose: giving sister survivors a time to hang out together, swap war stories, and most importantly, LAUGH! The veteran survivors guide the rookies toward a great life, and of course it doesn’t hurt if there’s a little wine and chocolate involved!
S.T.A.R.S. (Survivors Tell A Real Story)
More than 50 women told their 2nd Act stories in the live events. The S.T.A.R.S. performances are continuing. Monica X Castillo stepped up to continue the event for all survivors!
A 2nd Act Book Cancer Survivors Changing the Question from Why Me? to What’s Next!
This collection from those who participated in the live story telling events are inspiring reads for any survivor, regardless of where they are in their journey. They’ll be available in all our Super Survivor bags.
meet judy pearson
Author & Founder of A 2nd Act
As a biographer, Judy Pearson is a story teller. A diagnosis of Triple Negative Breast Cancer derailed her writing career. But when she began meeting women survivors doing amazing things, a light bulb illuminated.
Judy recognized that helping was healing. So in 2015, she founded A 2nd Act. Recognizing that helping is healing, the organization celebrated and supported women survivors using their newly realized gifts of life and experience to give back to the greater good.
Judy has returned to her biography roots and has passed the torch to us. We are proud to carry on Judy’s legacy.