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Mammogram program 


Thank you for your interest in our free screening mammogram program.

Updates for the 2025 program will be coming in February.

How It Works:

Our Mammogram Program provides FREE screening mammograms to qualifying women in Arizona. If further diagnostic testing is necessary after receiving the initial mammogram through our program, we cover 100% of the costs, up to diagnosis.* Arizona residents apply online and, once approved, may schedule at one of our available event locations. Check for a Lump is directly billed by the imagining company partners so that our clients never have to see a bill.


Mobile Mammogram Program:

We also fund mobile screening mammogram events to bring testing to our under-served communities throughout Maricopa County. Currently, we hold events at the Society of St. Vincent De Paul Medical Clinic, as well as, various locations throughout Maricopa County. Arizona Residents can make an appointment once eligibility has been confirmed. See below to get started and scheduled for your free screening mammogram!


We have provided over 2,500 mammograms, including any diagnostic tests needed, to local women in need!

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screening Program

All screening mammograms are on a first come - first serve basis.

Check back in February 2025 for updated information on screening availability.

Anyone interested in assisting additional women by funding a free mammogram or diagnostic testing, please reach out to us!

Screening Mammogram Eligibility and Information
Before applying to our free mammogram program, we encourage every woman to apply to the Well Woman Health Check program and/or AHCCCS if you do not have insurance.


  • Applicant is not experiencing symptoms

  • Applicants must live in Arizona 

  • Applicants must be 35 years or older

  • Applicants must be un-insured or under-insured with financial need

  • Applicant has not had a mammogram in the past 12 months

  • Applicants must have a valid form of identification

  • Applicants must receive their initial screening mammogram through our program to be eligible for us to pay for additional diagnostic testing

Please bring the following information to the event:

  1. I.D. (acceptable forms include: residency card, passport, driver license, green card)

  2. Insurance card (if you have insurance) 

  3. Doctor's name and address (if you have)

  4. Location of any prior mammogram images

Mammogram Reminder! Please do not apply deodorant or lotion to underarms or chest area the day of your mammogram.

Please check back in 2025


need follow up TESTING after a check for a lump free screening mammogram?

If you have already received a screening mammogram through the Check for a Lump program, you are also eligible for further diagnostic testing. Please press the button below to notify us, and one of our staff members will contact you shortly. Please include in your email the location and date of your initial screening mammogram.

*All diagnostic testing must be completed within 12 months, or one year, from your original screening mammogram in order to be covered by our program.


If you are in need of a diagnostic mammogram or experiencing any symptoms, please seek immediate assistance with one of these affordable resources. Several of them offer sliding scale fees and financial aide to those who qualify.


Dignity Health has excellent financial aid, and excellent doctors. We prefer the Park Central location, but any location near you will work with you to get your fees down to a minimum. Call to see if you qualify, 1-855-517-4771, or visit their website.

Valleywise Health is excellent for providing care at an affordable rate. They can help you enroll for AHCCCS or they can set up a sliding scale rate based on income. 1-833-855-9973 

There are many medical facilities who strive to provide affordable healthcare. Please click the link below to explore options.

We encourage every woman to apply to the Well Woman Health Check program and/or AHCCCS if you do not have insurance. Visit to find coverage plans that may be available to you.
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